
Monday, November 7, 2016

End of Blog

Everything runs its course. Seemingly, so do blogs.

So it has at long last come to this; the final entry in the worlds longest-running blog about the 2010 movie.

It has been fun researching the motion picture, it has been fun to talk with the producers of the movie, and it has been both entertaining and educational to find out how things were created in the strange twilight zone on the cusp of the CGI era. While the movie itself has never been regarded as the classic it's predecessor was, it is still a worthy picture. I think this blog stands as ample proof of that.

Standing in the doorway between the analog and the digital, the movie has always been the odd one out; the strange, distant cousin. Watching it one feels the same emotions as one does when cheering for the under-dog: wishing it would be just a tiny bit more profound, just a fraction more engaging, just a little deeper. Just a little bit better.

The fact is it is not.

There is only so much one can say about the film, and I feel everything that can possibly be said about the movie has been said in this blog. There is precious little to add.

This has been entertaining.
This has been fun.

This is the end.

Hey, Peter Hyams, contact me, okay?

End of blog.


  1. Too bad! But you did an OUTSTANDING job. Will you leave the blog online for the time being?

  2. Yes, of course the blog will stay up for as long as it's allowed to.

    Yeah, there's not a lot written about the 2010 movie, and it doesn't have nearly as devoted a fan base as 2001, so there's not much more to be said about it. I will leave this up for the passersby to peruse. Thanks.

  3. What a wonderful resource! Great writing, lots I haven't seen elsewhere, many thanks. May I contact you by email with a question re HAL 9000?

    Gerry Flahive

  4. Hello, sorry to see your blog go away, certainly! May I ask you where you got that great shot of Rain at Stratford in 1968? I'd like to ask the rights holder if I can use it in a book...

    Many thanks,
    Michael Benson

  5. Hey, mr Benson. To the best of my knowledge, the picture of Doug Rain is an unused outtake for a 1968 magazine article. The original image is in black-and-white and in pretty rough shape. I repaired it quite extensively and manually colorized it to make it fit the look of the blog; all the images except the last one are colorized, and I did the same for the Arthur Clarke article, as well. Here the image is used under the Fair Use doctrine, but if you want to publish the original in a book, you will need to contact Christine Schindler at the Stratford Festical in Ontario, Canada and apply for permission. Keep in mind the archival image will be the black-and-white original. Best of luck.
